Christopher Horton is a licensed Orthotist / Prosthetist and is a board-certified Orthotist through the Board for Certification (BOC). Chris began working in the family business at the age of 14 as a prosthetic technician and later transitioned to training as a practitioner after graduating from Catholic High School in 2000. He has attended classes at Pulaski Technical College and the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Chris also has worked with his father on many of his inventions, including the Stance Control Orthotic Knee Joint (SCOKJ). He thrives in a challenge that involves utilizing a multidisciplinary approach to complex diagnoses and working cohesively as a team to find the best solution and outcome for each patient. Chris has earned extensive orthotic and prosthetic training on advanced casting techniques such as the Vorum CAD/CAM which uses a 3D scanner for orthotic and prosthetic patients, the Aqua Casting System, and has mastered the traditional casting techniques. Chris has significant experience in scoliosis bracing for pediatric patients, microprocessor technology for prosthetic patients, and the Walk Aid (Functional Electrical Stem Orthotic). He treats pediatric and adult patients at all Horton’s locations. He enjoys attending national meetings and learning about the new and upcoming available technology. Chris spends his spare time enjoying a variety of hobbies and hunting.